

The Sovereign God

I would be untruthful if I told you that this article contains all the information there is to know about the Sovereignty of God. It is perhaps one of the least frequently talked about attributes of God. Truth be told, there is plenty to say concerning this subject. I suppose this is how John the Apostle felt when he undertook the privilege to tell the story of His Lord as he aptly mentions in John 21:25. When we speak of the word “sovereign”we may envision contexts of rulers, kings, authorities and so forth. To be sovereign simply means: To be supreme in power; possessing supreme dominion.Surely at the most magnified level of a position, we can understand that there is only one being that possesses supreme control over all things. His name is “Yahweh”i.e. Jehovah. There is only one God and friends He is the one and only Sovereign God. “He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords,

who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen.”(1 Tim. 6:15-16).


To say God is sovereign is to suggest that he exercises His supremacy over all things. God is infinitely higher and powerful than the highest creature or person we can imagine. He is exalted above all and in Him there is absolute power and control. He is supremely independent and does exactly what He wants, when He wants and how He wants. “Whatever the LORD pleases, He does, In heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps.”(Psalm 135:6). This Sovereign God is not accountable to anyone or anything neither is He influenced by any! His will cannot be changed by you and me or anyone else and we certainly would be fools to think we could stop Him. “All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, But He does according to His will in the host of heaven And among the inhabitants of earth; And no one can ward off His hand Or say to Him, 'What have You done?”(Dan. 4:35). 


Why is this subject important? Why should we bother to concern ourselves with this attribute of God? It is of necessity because He is ruler of all and we must align our will with His. Since we know God does as He pleases, and He has established the principles and foundations for which we must live and abide in, then we must ensure that we understand the importance of this attribute. God is the Most High and He rules in all the affairs of men. None are exempt from that fact. Therefore, we must learn to align ourselves with His will and only with His will. We cannot make God whatever we want Him to be. “Does the clay say to the potter what are you doing?” (Isa. 45:9) God makes the rules, we must live according to them.


God being the only Sovereign ultimately gives His children comfort. The disciples of this all-powerful, almighty God know that whatever trials, persecutions and temptations they face, they will be able to overcome because God sits on the throne and His justice will always be done. Just as the great reality of God’s Sovereignty gave the 1stcentury Christians the courage and the ability to endure these trials and persecutions even when faced with death, so it too must give us courage to keep fighting the good faith and to endure to the very end. I urge you friends to consider God’s Sovereignty as a necessity to ensure you live a righteous and godly life and as a means to build your faith and courage, so you can run the race till the very end!