

Jesus became a Curse

In Galatians 3 the apostle Paul speaks at length concerning the law, faith and Abraham’s heirs. It is in this chapter that the Apostle makes reference to the fact that Jesus became a curse. At first glance such a statement sounds contradictory and even absurd. Who would dare suggest Jesus as a curse? The text under consideration is Galatians 3:13 where Paul states, “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us—for it is written, "CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE…” 


The point of this passage is not to suggest that Jesus committed any sin resulting in him being accursed. It is not stressing that God condemned Jesus while He was on the cross for any wrongful acts He committed. The passage has its roots in Deuteronomy 21:23 where the context speaks of one who dies on a tree (cross) because of sin. Paul in explaining how we are redeemed and thus heirs of the promise made to Abraham, used that passage to point out an essential lesson: without Jesus’ death on the cross, we are all condemned. 


When Jesus died on the cross, He became a curse in the sense that he took our place as sinners, worthy of death. Jesus stepped in and became our redeemer. The cross was a shameful death since it was associated with criminals and high penalties worthy of such a cruel death. Yet we know and understand Jesus did not commit any such act deserving of such a death. He willingly went to the cross not for anything He did but for what we did. Christ took upon Himself the sins of the world and became our Passover lamb by which we are now heirs of Abraham according to the promise made by God. 


Jesus did something so great and so amazing, that we cannot ever begin to repay Him. We were destined to die on a cross because we were the vilest of criminals. We forsook the Almighty and walked after sin and idols not worthy of salvation. Nevertheless, God sent forth His Son to breathe into us new life through His death on the cross. Jesus became a curse for us, so we could be redeemed from the curse of sin. If you aren’t a Christian, know that Christ did this for you, so you can see Him one day. Will you take advantage of the love He has shown to you?