

Gospel Meetings and why they Matter

We used to hear stories about what it was like back in the 1800’s and 1900’s during gospel meetings when multitudes of people came out to hear the gospel message being preached in different places by different men. Multitudes still come out today, but it isn’t as common as it was back then. What happened? Did we stop preaching the truth? In some cases, yes. Did the multitudes get distracted by other things? In some cases, yes. Are we not putting enough emphasis on the gospel meetings anymore? It’s possible. 


Let’s not lose sight of how important the opportunity is of being at gospel meetings and having them. We are able to learn more of God’s word, to grow, and to reach lost souls. Consider that some men leave their spouse and children for a week and travel hundreds of miles (in some cases more) to bring the precious word of God to souls who are craving the value that’s within God’s Holy Message. Consider that there are men who spend hours upon hours studying and preparing material not because “it’s their job” but because they love you very much and they want to see you grow and be saved from this evil and perverse generation. 


So, when we can take advantages of opportunities such as these, but we choose not to we aren’t hurting anyone but ourselves. We show no gratitude for God’s word and for these men who love us and want what’s best for us and our families. Let’s take pride in showing up for what really matters (God’s word) and let’s share that message with anyone we can. We have a meeting coming up in a couple weeks and we hope you can all join us. Such a wonderful opportunity can only benefit us and draw us closer to our God.