

It is Good to Have Doubts

Maybe you have been is a situation where you began to question everything you ever believed, the things you were taught, and the things you have heard from others. Have you ever had doubts and questions about your life and your faith? Some of these questions may include: “Why I am here?” “Is God really alive?” “Is He active in His creation?” “Does hell really exist?” “Is heaven just a made-up place?” Questions like this tend to attract negative criticism but they are good questions if we are seeking for the truth and it shows our desire for something more than ourselves. The truth is, it is completely normal to have doubts or questions like these. 

As humans, we are built with and raised with a tendency to seek for something higher than ourselves. Such a path will lead to questions and doubts. One who shies away from asking questions and doubting some ideas, principles and beliefs will find themselves at the mercy of others going about life blindly and naively. Those who don’t doubt and don’t ask questions depend on the identity of another. Jesus taught us to question things and to doubt the ideas and beliefs of some (cf. Matt. 24:4-5; 1 Jn. 4:1). When tragedies and disasters occur, it is most normal for one to question their faith and have doubts. Many of God’s people felt this way (cf. Psa. 10:1, 11; 22:1-2; 44:24). We aren’t robots without feelings and emotion. Even though we may believe strongly and act accordingly we will have some doubts (cf. Job. 13:24; Matt. 11:2-6; Rev. 6:9-10).

Having doubts is not wrong and it’s not sinful. However, we must investigate our doubts and seek answers to our questions. If we intend to find real meaning and purpose it requires time and effort in fair investigation. We need to be people who question what they are taught and doubt beliefs and ideas until they have certain proof. It is good to have doubts when we seek to tackle them head on looking for definitive proof, reason and logic of why we believe what we believe or why others do what they do (cf. Prov. 14:15; 1 Pet. 3:15). The individual that is honest about his/her doubts will do whatever is necessary when faced with the truth after their investigations, no matter how hard or difficult it may be. Even if the truth is contrary to their feelings, they will understand the need to obey it (Matt. 18:16-22).

There are others who doubt and have questions but they do so only for entertainment purposes of some sort of sordid self-gain. We should never embody such examples nor should we do this simply to get out of serving God or religion. The bible offers several examples of individuals who had doubts but because they investigated their questions and because they were honest about it, they got their proof and answers and it helped them to grow closer to God. Abraham is a bible character well known for his faith (cf. Heb. 11:8-12, 17-19). He did not achieve this level of faith overnight. It took Abraham quite some time to fully trust and depend on God but by the time we get to Genesis 22, we see how greatly Abraham’s faith has grown since chapter 12. The point is that through his doubts and God’s patience, he grew in his faith.

In Judges 6, Gideon doubted that God was with his people when they were being oppressed by the hand of their enemies. God was patient with Gideon on two occasions and his faith began to develop (Judg. 6:11-24, 36-40). Gideon asked God to show him a couple signs so he could conclude that God would fight for them. Because Gideon was honest, God helped him and he grew in his faith. In Judges 7 and Heb. 11:32, Gideon is now seen as a man of great faith doing exactly as God says without doubt and without questions. 

Another character that comes to mind when thinking about doubts, is Thomas. Thomas was not ready to believe Jesus had risen from the dead unless he saw the evidence for himself. Jesus was patient with him and showed him the scars (Jn. 20:24-28).Thomas wanted to fully investigate for himself his doubts to conclude whether or not what was told to him was true. This greatly influenced the growth of his faith. He not only believed but because of what he saw, he was willing to go out in the world and confess his faith. 

We would all do well to be like Abraham, Gideon and Thomas. If we have doubts or questions, may we seek to investigate them fairly and thoroughly. May we seek to find the answers we are looking for by turning to the right persons and the right places. We won’t always get all the answers that we want or that we would like, but God promises to give us everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). 

If you are reading this and you may some doubts or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and find the answers you need and we all need. God is not far from anyone of us. May we all seek Him and draw closer to Him!